On Sunday 8th October 2023, I attended The English Beauty Industry Awards 2023 in Birmingham as I was luckily placed as a finalist in the 'Makeup Artist of the Year' category. I took along my mom as my date for the evening, as she is my assistant for bigger bridal parties - I did her makeup for the ceremony too (2nd time in 5 years of business!).
I met so many lovely individuals from different catergories, both on my table and on my row. All were winners, well done to them all!
I am pleased to say that I was announced Highly Commended in the 'Makeup Artist of the Year 2023' category.
Thank you to every single person/client that voted for me in this competition as without you I wouldn't have gotten as far as a finalist, let alone Highly Commended. Also a big thank you to the judges for doing their research into my business.
